
Youth digital art on the ocean

  • digital art
Target Group
  • Artists,
  • Policy makers,
  • Journalists,
  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Community workers
  • English

Launched on 2 July 2024, this exhibition features digital artworks created by young people in collaboration with two international non-governmental organizations, the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, The Oxygen Project and Peaceboat, USA

Part One: Peaceboat

Peace Boat is curating an international exhibition of Augmented Reality (AR) interactive artwork for the UN Ocean Decade to raise awareness for ocean conservation and climate action. Use the Artivive App to see the images come to life on your phone or mobile device.

Image 1: Co-exist

Originally painted by Japanese artist, Satoshi Fujita aka Dragon76, who is a guest speaker onboard the Peace Boat. The artist created this live painting for a collaboration with the non-profit organization, PangeaSeed.

Digital collage image of young person with a shark


Image 2: Strawpocalypse

Installation about plastic pollution by artist and creative, Ben Vonwong, donated as part of the ‘Action for the Oceans’ program for the UN Ocean Decade.

Figurative image of young person surrounded by waves of straw


As a result of the potential risks posed by deep-sea mining, youth globally is calling on more States to support a deep-sea mining moratorium, with a view to giving more time to the priority task of fully assessing the ecological and other environmental impacts of deep-sea mining.

Part Two: The Oxygen Project and Sustainable Ocean Alliance

We believe that art can change the world. When words fail, art has the power to transcend verbal communication. Art can give a voice and intensity to some of the most troubling issues humanity faces. The selection of artworks by young people presented here are collated from #GoDeepCreativeChallenge! arts project organized by The Oxygen Project and Sustainable Ocean Alliance . The project was aimed to raise awareness about the urgent ecological concerns around deep-sea mining through creativity and arts. The project was launched against the backdrop of the negotiations under the aegis of the International Seabed Authority in late 2022 towards allow commercial mining in the deep-seabed despite increasing scientific evidence that deep-seabed mining would cause irreparable negative impacts on biodiversity, the climate, and ocean-dependent communities. All the five artworks from #GoDeepCreativeChallenge! highlight that it is more important than ever to take action and stand together to protect “the common heritage of mankind”, which the International Seabed Authority is mandated to look after, for generations to come.

If you would like to learn more about deep-seabed mining read here.

Image 1: The deep sea (Jamilah Muhammad)

Globally, the vast majority of youth opposes deep-sea mining, according to a survey conducted by the Sustainable Ocean Alliance in 2022 there is mounting scientific evidence that deep-sea mining can undermine global efforts to preserve and restore marine biodiversity.

Image 2: This is our home. Part 1 (Jamilah Muhammad)

Image 3: This is our home. Part 2 (Fanny Didou)

It is imperative to understand and value the deep seabed’s role in supporting life on Earth, such as its contribution to global carbon cycling, global fisheries, and the systems of currents in the ocean.

Image 4: The deep ocean (Fanny Didou)

Less than 5 per cent of the deep-sea has been explored, but scientists have found that deep-sea ecosystems host unique marine life forms, most of which are new to science.

Image 5: No to submarine mining (Claudio Ciaozzi, aka Ciaozzama)

The deep-sea and deep-seabed also play a fundamental role in some cultures, and we are still discovering the many ways in which the deep sea contributes to human well-being on earth.