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Interview with Angelique Pouponneau for COP26 Virtual Ocean Pavilion

One Ocean Hub

University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • climate,
  • ecosystem mapping,
  • ecosystems assessment,
  • marine,
  • marine science,
  • coastal communities
Target Group
  • Policy makers
  • English

The interview was conducted as part of the COP26 Virtual Ocean Pavilion Interview with Party Negotiators series to learn about negotiators expectations coming to COP26.

The ocean plays a central role in climate cycle and holds a myriad of potential climate solutions, from ocean-based renewable energy such as offshore wind, wave and tidal power and ocean-based transport such as passenger shipping, to carbon sequestration potential of coastal and marine ecosystems including mangroves, seagrass beds and tidal marshes. Given the central role of the ocean in climate change adaptation and mitigation it is critical to include the ocean in climate discussions.

The interview was conducted as part of the COP26 Virtual Ocean Pavilion Interview with Party Negotiators series to learn about negotiators expectations coming to COP26, what they deemed as the biggest barrier to incorporating coastal and marine ecosystems into climate discussions, and possible solutions for Parties to better incorporate the ocean into national climate action and international climate dialogue.