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Rio Conventions Pavilion: Supporting a decade of action on ecosystem restoration

One Ocean Hub

University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • ecosystem mapping,
  • ecosystems assessment,
  • ecological crises,
  • climate,
  • sustainable development
Target Group
  • Researchers,
  • Policy makers
  • English
Location map

This event highlights the value of undertaking land and ecosystem restoration, using ecologically sound principles to realize multiple benefits, under the Rio Convention.

This event highlighted the value of undertaking land and ecosystem restoration, using ecologically sound principles to realize multiple benefits, including many SDGs and targets under the Rio Conventions. It aimed to raise awareness of the multiple pathways to recovery and resilience offered by restoration activities as well as the tools and technologies to support countries.

David Ainsworth, CBD Secretariat (on site) – Moderator
Chris Buss, Director of the Climate and Finance Center at IUCN, on behalf of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (on site)
Louise Baker, Managing Director of the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD (on site)
Guy Debonnet, Chief, Natural Heritage Unit, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO (remote link)
David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary, CBD Secretariat (on site)
Bernardo Baeta Neves Strassburg, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and Executive Director, International Institute for Sustainability (remote link)
Devonne Goad, E-learning and Capacity Building Associate, Nature for Development Program, UNDP (remote link)
Patience Naamara, Country Director for Uganda at Fairventures Worldwide (GmbH) (on site)
Shanna Challenger, Offshore Islands Conservation Programme Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Group (on site)
Elisa Morgera, Professor of Global Environmental Law and Director of the UKRI GCRF One Ocean Hub (on site)