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What’s law got to do with it: Islands And Their Status In International Law

Donald Rothwell

Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island

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  • islands,
  • international law,
  • Law of the Sea
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  • English

In this fascinating lecture, Professor Donald Rothwell discusses international conversation on the legal status of islands, and in so doing explores the very definition of islands as entities.

Prof. Donald Rothwell explores the international conversation on the legal status of islands. The legal status of islands has increasingly become contested in various parts of the world as a result of the distinction between islands and rocks, and the increasing development of artificial islands. Can international law resolve these issues or just make them more contentious?

Donald Rothwell is a Professor of International Law at the ANU College of Law, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Born on the island continent of Australia, he is a graduate of the University of Alberta, and the University of Calgary, and has lived on Vancouver Island and studied islands and the law of the sea for 30 years.